Today, we're cleaning out the shed and I'm going to set up my espresso machine. I've got a little ing action, and it looks like the first thing is the accessories. Alright, inside here we have a milk jug of cleaner or cleaning stuff, a portafilter. This is a 58 millimeter portafilter, so it's a standard commercial size. So, if I want to, I can swap out the basket with the Pullman ones that we use in the shop. I also have a bottomless that I might use just for fun. See, so it's cool, there's full size, I can swap in whatever I want, single basket that I will never use or will I? Rubber back flush pad, it's like the disc that you put in the bottom of the portafilter. I'll probably just grab a blind screen from the cafe and bring that home NOC. I'm supposed to tip it over and pull it out. The machine is going to live in this corner of the kitchen. I took the mixer downstairs because we don't really use it that much anymore. When I was in LA, we had a little contest and the winning team of the contest all got to pick whatever espresso machine they wanted to take home. The reason I picked this one is because it's the most different than the ones in the cafe. It's got a built-in grinder, it's an auto tamper, and it's got automatic steaming. So, I just want to see what it's capable of because I already know what it feels like to use commercial machines on the regular. So, what does it feel like to be a home barista with not a ton of skill necessarily? Can you get really good coffee without needing to know like it's basically...
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990pf 2023-2024 instructions Form: What You Should Know
An organization, such as a church or business, that qualifies to be tax-exempt under section 501(a) and has gross receipts. A charity, not-for-profit organization, or a government entity must file a Form 990-PF (Form 990) when it makes contributions to one of the following taxable activities for that year. The following table lists those activities, the income limits that apply, and a breakdown of the deductions eligible to be taken on an adjusted basis. If your organization does not qualify for these exemptions, your tax-exempt organization must file Form 990-PF.
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